Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tips for a Successful NO SPEND MONTH!

One of the things I have been wanting to change for a few years now is the way I spend.  I've mentioned in a previous post that the clutter has really gotten to me in my home- but it's all my doing. Honestly I have no one to blame but myself- unless you want to blame the YouTuber's my kid's watch that makes us go to Target to get the newest and greatest thing! Nah- I still blame myself!

Part of our New Year's plan was to change all the flooring in our house, and what perfect timing to declutter and minimize all the "stuff" we have accumulating in every nook and cranny of my house.  I've always envisioned my house being ones you see so clean and tidy on IG or Pinterest, but I'm going to keep it real, it isn't anywhere close to that! Why am I bringing this up? Because it is part of my mindful change in the way I spend money.  

For the month of January (I have to start real slow), my family and I are going to partake in a NO SPEND MONTH. I've read a ton of blog's and Pinterest posts about tackling this, but I have to say, this is by far the best way to get us to not spend money and start saving our hard earned cash (which means more travel and funds to make memories!)

Before you start the No Spend Month, you have to be a bit realistic about your goals and how you are going to accomplish this. We decided to compile a list of what we can spend on. 

  1. Food- Obviously. However, we can't just go willy-nilly on anything food. I will be meal planning weekly (that way we don't waste any food) and we will not be buying anything frivolous (although my husband is allowed to get a can (two max!) of beer every weekend since it helps his sanity after a long work week!) 
  2. Eating Out- This is an absolute NO-NO. After going over expenses the past few months we spent, on average, $1000/month on eating out!!! How is that possible? You want to know? Doordash and my lazy butt! They have made the ability to be lazy and be fed so easy that it cost me an arm and a leg! So, although eating out is definitely a NO-NO in January, like I said, I need to be a bit realistic and give ourselves some grace. Our lives are super hectic with full time jobs and 2 young kids that we are allowing ONE dinner out under $25 for the month of January. However, once it is used up- it's done! That way it will help us be more mindful with using that one freebie of dining out.
  3. The regular monthly expenditures that can't be ignored- gas, bills, anything medical (co-payments if we need to see the doctor, medicine, anything school related that is a necessity (which means I can't keep volunteering to pick things up for the class!), pet related necessities and anything home related that needs to be fixed or repaired. (Yes, we are getting our floors done, but everything has pretty much been prepaid. So, if we have any expenses we incur with our floors, it has to be absolutely needed sort of thing- or our floors don't get done).
This definitely will not be easy. I'm an avid Target and Amazon shopping Starbucks kind of gal. I also like to have my nails look pretty and manicured. But I have my bigger "WHY" and in order to get closer to it, I have to make some changes and try my very best to adhere to it. 

Necessities can be pretty vague. Everyone's necessities are different and everyone's needs are unique. This is what works for us. I'm not saying this will work for everyone, but if you compile a list and ensure that your necessities is met with a little bit of grace to be able to make that change, then you will be successful.  I've learned that too much change too soon can actually hinder an individual from successfully making that change. This is a good step in the right direction. From here, we learn from it and then we can alter it to meet our February goals (because I'm sure I missed something)!  

#nospend #savings #savemoney #tips #goals #challenge

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